Monday, April 6, 2009

Proposition 8 california (l&c)

In this article I feel that it is very unfair because first california approved gay marriage then passed down "Propostion 8". Proposition 8 outlaws same sex marriage .This is very disheartening because just 4 months ago gay marriage was approved in the california state then 4 months later propostion 8 was passed and approved. Propostion 8 must have been a big dissapointment to the gay community because here is the california law saying that Gay marriage is approved then in just a matter of what seems like an instant that privillage is taken away.


  1. Anna
    I agree with your link and comment. It's really unfair how fast a right can be taken away. I like the fact your showing support to all gay couples. Who knows, maybe one day they will get their rights back.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. I think it is wrong also to take it back.That is completely unfair and if it happened to me i would be very upset, so I do understand where your coming from. But i don't agree with same sex marriage, no offense to anyone but im kinda glad. I just believe differently.
